Student Organizations must adhere to policies related to face coverings and social distancing.
If at any point a student is feeling unwell, with any potential COVID symptom, they are encouraged to report that to join virtually and report symptoms to the Wellness Center.
Student meetings:
- When meetings are taking place indoors, students MUST follow the most current safety guidelines on campus.
- Attendance must be taken for in-person meetings through Engage platform (
- Provide a virtual meeting link for students who may not want to attend in-person.
- When meeting in person, utilize rooms that will accommodate the entire group (i.e. not having 35 people in a room with only 16 desks) to avoid close, unnecessary contact.
For performers and invited guests:
- Performers must complete Visitor Daily Symptom Tracker.
- Performers required to follow campus guidelines, face coverings when not performing.
- Performers must adhere to ALL college policies regarding indoor face coverings and social distance.