Students & Faculty - Testing Center Procedure
Before the Exam
Students are required to lock up all belongings before their test. Testing Center Staff will monitor students as they place all personal items into a storage locker.
- Please make sure phones, smart watches, and fitbits are off or silenced before placing them in the locker.
- Coats are not allowed in the Testing Center.
- Students may be asked to turn their pockets inside out.
- Students may take the locker key into the Testing Center.
- The only materials allowed in the Testing Center have been pre approved by the instructor.
During the Exam
Each room is stocked with pencils, ear plugs, paper, rulers, and colored pencils.
If a calculator is pre approved by the instructor, the Testing Center will provide a calculator to the student.
All students are required to sign a Testing Center Agreement each semester.
Tests are timed to coincide with the student’s normal class time.
Start and stop times are recorded.
Students are allowed to use the restroom during testing, unless prohibited by your professor.
If a student takes a restroom break, it is counted toward the time allowed for the exam.
Students are being monitored via video and audio. The Testing Center does not currently record testing sessions.
Instructors are responsible for providing a student’s exam to the Testing Center.
- Students are not allowed to use their own calculators or laptops or bring any papers, etc. into the testing room unless the Testing Center has received permission from the professor.
- If a student comes early to the exam, they can sit in the reception area to continue studying until the start time of the exam, or they can start the exam early. However, if they start the exam before the scheduled start time, their end time must be moved up accordingly (they do not get extra time to finish the exam). Note: Students should not start the exam early unless the instructor has emailed their permission.
- Because students take their tests at the same time as the rest of their class, if a student shows up late, they do not get extra time. They are only allowed to use the time allotted according to their professor.
After the Exam
- If the student used Word on the exam, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure their typed responses have been saved to the USB.
- The Testing Center will return the completed exam to the instructor. At no time before or after a test in the Testing Center is a student allowed to handle an exam. (Students are not allowed to return their completed exam to the instructor.)
- Testing room desks are sanitized after each exam.