St. Mary’s College of Maryland is required by the Department of Education statute to make available to all current and prospective students and their families certain information about the college. This includes but is not limited to:
- Institutional operation
- Financial aid
- Degree completion and graduation requirements
- Annual security & safety reports
- Graduation rates
- College athletic programs
Information for SMCM is provided below. Offices, links, and contact information for officials who can respond to questions for their specific areas are included.
Academic Programs
Phone: 240-895-4336
The course catalog contains all of the available academic programs offered at SMCM.
Accreditation and Authorization
Phone: 240-895-4274
St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM) is an accredited institution and a member of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission), SMCM’s accreditation status is Accreditation Reaffirmed. The Commission’s most recent action on the institution’s accreditation status on June 22, 2017 was to reaffirm accreditation. MSCHE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation (candidate status) activities for institutions of higher education including distance, correspondence education, and direct assessment programs offered at those institutions. The Commission’s geographic area of accrediting activities is throughout the United States.
The next evaluation visit is scheduled for 2024-2025.

St. Mary’s College of Maryland of Maryland is authorized to operate in the state of Maryland by the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), All degree and certificate programs are approved by MHEC and the University System of Maryland.
Students may file complaints with the State of Maryland using the Maryland OneStop Portal:
Phone: 240-895-4209
Office of Student Activities
Website: Life
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Phone: 240-895-4911
St. Mary’s College of Maryland Office of Public Safety is responsible for gathering and publishing information required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. Questions regarding any of the information contained in the college’s annual security report may be directed to Captain/Assistant Director of Public Safety Christopher Coons at (240) 895-4911 or
The Clery Act requires that the College annually publish statistical information regarding certain crimes reported to the Office of Public Safety, Title IX, Office of Student Conduct, and other faculty and staff identified as a Campus Security Authority. Crime statistics are also requested from local law enforcement agencies.
Printed copies of the report are available in the Public Safety Office. If you would like to request a printed copy be mailed to you please contact the Office of Public Safety at 18952 East Fisher Rd. St. Mary’s City, MD 20686.
Phone: 240-895-4336
Website: attendance at classes is expected; all students are responsible for any classwork done or assigned during any absence. In each course, two absences shall be accepted by the instructor during the semester. However, when any absence results in a student missing an examination or an assignment deadline, the instructor’s policy covering missed examinations or late work shall apply. Beyond two absences the instructor’s policies shall be in effect.Aid is disbursed ten days prior to the beginning of classes. Students must begin attendance (academic activity) in at least one class to maintain their eligibility for Federal Direct Loans.Students must begin attendance in all the classes that correspond to the enrollment status used to calculate their Pell Grant (full-time, ¾ time, ½ time, less than ½ time). If non-attendance is shown, the Pell Grant will be recalculated to the updated enrollment (full-time, ¾ time, ½ time, less than ½ time). Attendance verification will be done once per semester during the fourth week of classes.
Graduation and Retention Rates
Phone: 240-895-4274
Website: and Graduation by Cohort Year, 2007-2022
Consortium and Contractual Agreements
Phone: 240-895-4202
Website: can file consortium agreements for all other non-SMCM study abroad or other student exchange programs with the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
Phone: 240-89-3000
Constitution Day
Phone: 240-895-4215
Each year the Center for the Study of Democracy holds an event on campus in recognition of Constitution Day.
Copyright and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policies and Sanctions
Phone: 240-895-4357
Website: or distributing copyrighted material, e.g. documents, music, movies, videos, text, etc., without permission from the rightful owner violates the United States Copyright Act and the St. Mary’s College of Maryland policy on 1.1 Appropriate Use of College IT Resources. In the policy is a summary discussion of: (a) legal options for accessing copyrighted material; (b) the possible civil and criminal penalties for violations of the United States Copyright Act; (c) the possible disciplinary measures imposed by the College for copyright violations; and (d) OIT measures taken against peer-to-peer file sharing applications in the wake of copyright violations involving use of such applications.
Cost of Attendance
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: estimated cost of attendance for Maryland, Washington DC, and Non-Maryland residents can be found here. It includes Direct (billed) costs and Indirect (non-billed) costs.
Course Schedule Information
Phone: 240-895-4336
Schedule of Classes
Course & Classroom Scheduling
SMCM Course Catalog
Crime Log
Phone: 240-895-4911
Website: Daily Crime and Fire Log contains the previous 60 days of crimes and fires that were reported to St. Mary’s College of Maryland and that occurred within the patrol jurisdiction of the Office of Public Safety.
Direct Loan Model Disclosure Form
Phone: 240-895-3000
Diversity of Student Body
Phone: 240-895-4274
Website: Office of Institutional Research monitors enrollment patterns within various student populations.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
Phone: 240-895-4911
Website: compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, St. Mary’s College of Maryland publishes a Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program. The document contains a statement of prohibited behavior and sanctions, the standards of conduct, a list of potential legal sanctions, a list of federal penalties and sanctions for illegal possession of a controlled substance, health risks associated with drugs and alcohol, and alcohol and drug intervention programs for employees and students.
Download the 2022 Drug And Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) PDFYou can obtain a hard copy of the report using any of the following options:
- In-person: Hard copies are available at the Public Safety Office 24 hours a day
- By Mail: contact the SMCM Office of Public Safety by mail at 18952 East Fisher Road St. Mary’s City, MD 20653, by phone at 240-895-4911 or by email at
Drug-Free Workplace Statement
Phone: 240-895-4309
Email: humanresources@smcm.eduThe College is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment and, in
accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, will not tolerate the unlawful possession
or use of controlled substances on its premises. The unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in and on property owned
or controlled by the College.The full policy can be found in the SMCM Employee Handbook on the Human Resources website: Website:
Emergency Response and Evacuation Plan
Phone: 240-895-4911
Website (Evacuations):
Website (Response):
Enrollment in Graduate or Professional Programs
Phone: 240-895-4274
Degree Completion:
Entrance Counseling- Direct Loans
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: counseling ensures you understand the terms and conditions of your loan and your rights and responsibilities. You’ll learn what a loan is, how interest works, your options for repayment, and how to avoid delinquency and default.Entrance counseling for undergraduate students is required if you have not previously received a Direct Subsidized Loan or a Direct Unsubsidized Loan.
Entrance counseling for graduate or professional students is required if you have not previously received a Direct Unsubsidized Loan or Direct PLUS Loan.
Exit Counseling- Direct Loans
Office of Student Financial Assistance
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: must complete exit counseling when you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment. The purpose of exit counseling is to ensure you understand your student loan obligations and are prepared for repayment.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Phone: 240-895-4336
Website: Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-380) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data through informal and formal hearings.In accordance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), disclosure of student information, including financial and academic, is restricted. Release of information other than “directory information” to anyone other than the student requires a written consent from the student. The College may release “directory information” without prior written consent from the student. St. Mary’s College considers the following to be directory information: student’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address, photographs, date and place of birth, year in college, parents’ names and addresses, prior educational institutions attended, dates of college attendance, degrees, scholarships, awards received, weight and height of members of athletic teams, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports.
Filing a Complaint
Students, Staff, and Faculty have various avenues to file complaints with the institution and various oversight bodies.
- Accessibility Service Complaints
- Campus Concern Form
- Grade Grievances
- Grievance Process to Resolve Complaints of Sexual Harassment
- Title IX Complaint & Reporting
- Employee Complaint
- Financial aid Complaints to SMCM and the State of Maryland (SMCM Catalog)
- Student Request for Faith-Based Accommodation and Grievance Procedure for Religious Accommodations Guidelines
- Procedures to Address Student Complaints About Faculty
- Bias Prevention and Support Team Report Form
- Policy to Support Pregnant and Parenting Students
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE or the Commission) provides opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and members of the public to submit several different types of complaints.
Maryland Higher Education Commission
For a complaint involving a college or university, a student or faculty personnel must first exhaust the complaint/grievance procedures established by the institution.
Website: of MHEC complaint form
Financial Assistance
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: a public institution, St. Mary’s College of Maryland is committed to providing access to our distinct honors college education to students from diverse backgrounds. The Office of Student Financial Assistance strives to work closely with families to help them find resources through a range of federal, state, campus-based, and private programs. Evidence of this commitment can be seen in our low student indebtedness and loan default rates. Both of these figures are well below national averages and attest to the strong outcomes of our students.
Code of Conduct- Private Educational Lenders
Phone: 240-895-3000
Private Alternative Loans
Students who are looking to cover the cost of education may be interested in private loans. While we recommend exhausting your federal loan options first, students may opt to use private loans to fund their education. The ability to receive a private loan is based on the credit rating of the borrower and their co-signer. Eligibility, interest rates, and the terms and conditions for each loan are dependent on the lender. Students can work directly with the lender of their choice to determine the best situation for them. List of lenders.
*You may use a loan/lender that is not provided on this list.
Fire Log
Phone: 240-895-4911
Website: Daily Crime and Fire Log contains the previous 60 days of crimes and fires that were reported to St. Mary’s College of Maryland and that occurred within the patrol jurisdiction of the Office of Public Safety.
Phone: 240-895-4336
Websites: SMCM grading infomration is listed in the catalog.
Graduate and Professional Education
Website: maintains a single Masters in the Art of Teaching program. We offer certification programs in:
- Elementary with Early Childhood, Elementary (grades 1-6)
- Secondary (in History, English, math, social studies, biology, chemistry, physics, theater, Environmental science: grades 7-12)
- PreK-12 (art or music) or a foreign language (French, Spanish, or Chinese)
- Special education, grades 1-8
Missing Student Notification
Phone: 240-895-4911
Net Price Calculator
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: net price calculator is a tool that allows current and prospective students, families, and other consumers to estimate the net price of attending SMCM for a particular academic year.
Athletic Program Participation and Financial Support Data
Phone: 240-895-2000
Graduation Rates for Student-Athletes
Phone: 240-895-4274
Website: and graduation rates for first-time, first-year students (full-time only) are broken out by race/ethnicity, gender, athlete status at entry, first-generation status, and financial aid status at entry.
Notice to Victims of Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking of their Right and Options
Phone: 240-895-2012
Policy on Sex Discrimination (new Title IX policy)
St. Mary’s College of Maryland (the College) is committed to maintaining an educational and work environment free from harassment and discrimination. The College will not tolerate harassment or discrimination of any kind, including harassment or discrimination based on sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation.
Official Leave of Absence Procedure
Phone: 240-895-4336
Website: of AbsenceA student may take a leave of absence from the College at any time during the semester on or before the last day of classes, provided the student is not under temporary suspension. Any degree-seeking student may be granted leaves of absence up to a total of three semesters during his or her College career, including the semester in which the leave is initially taken. In cases of unusual need, degree-seeking students may be granted additional leaves of absence by the associate dean of academic services following consultation with the Academic Policy Committee. If a student submits his or her leave of absence paperwork after the tenth week of classes, he or she must remain on leave for at least the following semester as well. If a student is academically dismissed or expelled from the College during the semester preceding the semester for which a leave of absence is conditionally granted, the approval of the leave is canceled automatically. When a student on leave of absence returns to the College, he or she is reinstated as a degree-seeking student and retains the rights to the provisions of his or her prior catalog. Applications for leaves of absence are available in the Offices of Student Support Services, Residence Life, Counseling and Health Services (for mental health or medical leaves of absence), or the Dean of Students and must be filed by the student no later than the last day of classes in the semester in which the leave of absence is to begin. Students must also complete an exit interview with an approved college official. To return from a leave of absence, a student must notify the Offices of Student Support Services in writing by February 15 for a fall semester return or October 15 for a spring semester return. If a student contacts Offices of Student Support Services after these dates, he or she may be able to return the following semester, but may not be able to register for classes until the schedule adjustment period. If a student is returning from a medical leave of absence, the student must seek permission from the dean of students to return prior to contacting the Offices of Student Support Services. If a student wishes to live on-campus upon returning from a leave of absence, the student must submit a written request to the Office of Residence Life by February 15 for fall semester housing or October 15 for spring semester housing. If a student submits a housing request after these dates, the student will be placed on the housing wait list and will be housed if space is available after the new students are housing in June (for the fall semester) or January (for the spring semester).Credit earned at another institution during a leave of absence will be transferable to St. Mary’s College under the same provisions as other transfer credit. A student who does not return at the conclusion of the leave of absence-or within three semesters after his or her last enrollment-but who subsequently wishes to return, must reapply to the College through the Office of Admissions. See Re-Admission in the SMCM catalog.
Official Withdrawal Procedure
Phone: 240-895-4336
Website: from the CollegeA student may withdraw from the College at any time during the semester on or before the last day of classes, provided the student is not under temporary suspension. To withdraw from the College, the student must submit a withdrawal form, which is available in the Offices of Student Support Services, Residence Life, Counseling and Health Services (medical withdrawals), or the Dean of Students. Students must also complete an exit interview with an approved college official. A student suspended on an interim basis or against whom a temporary suspension or expulsion may be initiated may not withdraw from the College before the conclusion of his/her judicial case. A student who withdraws from the College or is suspended or expelled will be assigned a grade of W in each course for which he or she is currently registered. It is assumed that students who withdraw from the College do not plan to return.If a student withdraws and is subsequently academically dismissed, the dismissal overrides the withdrawal.
Placement Rate
Phone: 240-895-4274
Website: where SMCM students are headed after graduation.
Private Education Loan Disclosure
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: Federal Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification
ELMSelect Disclosure:
Private student loans provided by banks, credit unions, and other lenders can help bridge the gap between the financial aid you may have already received for college and the total cost of attendance. The information provided within the ELM is maintained and updated in real-time by the represented lender.You do not have to borrow from any of these lenders. You have the right to choose any lender.Reviewing your options, including federal, state, and institutional grants and loans before applying for private loans is recommended. Contact the financial aid office or view the financial aid website to check your eligibility.Financial aid staff and employees of ELM Resources, the software provider of ELMSelect, are prohibited from accepting any financial or other benefits in exchange for displaying lenders and loan options in ELMSelect. Prohibited activities of financial aid employees include but not limited to: Serving on a lender’s or lender affiliate’s advisory board (with or without compensation), accepting gifts including trips, meals, and entertainment.You are encouraged to explore how student loan debt may affect your financial future through financial aid counseling and education provided through the school and federally available web sources.
Professional Licensure and Certification
Website:, MAT in the SMCM Catalog.Certification and licensure programs exist for: Elementary grades 1 through 6, with an option to add a credential in early childhood education; elementary and environmental education; special education grades 1-8; English, math, history/social studies, social studies, biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics for grades 7 through 12; and art, music, theater, and world languages (Chinese, French, Spanish) for K-12.All certification and licensure programs have program approval from the Maryland State Department of Education and lead to reciprocity for certification in all other states. Our program completers have a 100% pass rate on the PRAXIS exams, and our hiring rate for those who choose to teach is also near 100%.
Refund Policies
Phone: 240-895-4303
Website: refund policies are included in the SMCM Catalog.
Retention Rate
Phone: 240-895-4274
Website: and graduation, especially for at-risk students, is something that the College monitors carefully to ensure that St. Mary’s is providing an inclusive educational environment for students to foster student success.
Return of Title IV Funds Requirements (R2T4)
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: Treatment of Federal Financial Aid Funds When a Student Withdraws or Takes a Leave of Absence
Rights and Responsibilities of Financial Aid Recipients
Phone: 240-895-3000
Website: responsibilities of Financial Aid Recipients can be found in the SMCM Catalog.
Services and Facilities for Students with Disabilities
Phone: 240-895-2250
Website: the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and applicable state law, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM) does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of handicap or disability. As a result, SMCM will consider requests for reasonable accommodations for students who self-discloses a disability or disabling health conditions. Accessibility Services works with students, faculty, and staff to promote access on our campus.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Phone: 240-895-3000
Students must meet all components of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to maintain their eligibility for financial aid.Satisfactory Academic Progress is measured in three areas: 1) Minimum GPA – maintaining a cumulative grade point average (GPA) which is consistent with the standards for good academic standing, 2) Pace – successfully completing a required number of credits as related to attempted credits, and 3) Maximum Timeframe – receiving a degree in a timely manner.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirement:
- Minimum GPA – Maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average or meet the standards set through
an individualized academic plan. - Pace – Successfully complete 66.67% of total attempted credits. Students must receive a grade of A, B, C, D, or Cr in order for the class to be successfully completed. (cumulative earned credits / cumulative earned credits = completion rate)
- Maximum Time Frame – Complete a degree within 150% of the published length of the degree program.
Most undergraduate degrees require 128 credits, which means most students must complete a degree within
192 attempted credits. (128 x 150% = 192)
Once students have reached 150 credits (including transfer credits), aid is put on hold. To be considered for additional aid, the student must file an appeal explaining the extenuating circumstances that resulted in such a high number of credits and provide a degree audit documenting the earliest path to graduation.
Undergraduates pursuing a second baccalaureate degree may attempt 96 additional SMCM credits.
The Satisfactory Academic Progress policy is located in the SMCM catalog.
State Licensing Information
Masters in the Art of Teaching Graduate Program
Certification and licensure programs exist for: Elementary grades 1 through 6, with an option to add a credential in early childhood education; elementary and environmental education; special education grades 1-8; English, math, history/social studies, social studies, biology, chemistry, environmental science and physics for grades 7 through 12; and art, music, theater, and world languages (Chinese, French, Spanish) for K-12.All certification and licensure programs have program approval from the Maryland State Department of Education and lead to reciprocity for certification in all other states. Our program completers have a 100% pass rate on the PRAXIS exams, and our hiring rate for those who choose to teach is also near 100%.Teaching, MAT in the SMCM Catalog.
Student Body Diversity
Phone: 240-895-4274
Website: Office of Institutional Research monitors enrollment patterns within various student populations.
Student Handbook
Website: To the Point – Student Handbook
Please note that To The Point contains a selected list of College policies and procedures. Students are required to know and adhere to all published College policies, rules, and regulations, and are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with other official sources such as the College course catalog, Office of Residence Life policies, and Office of Information Technology policies.
Textbook and Course Materials Information
Phone: 240-895-4420
Website: Mary’s Campus Store makes it easy to find the exact textbooks a student needs for every class. Click the link above and follow the steps to see a list of the required and optional texts and materials as specified by your instructor(s).
Timely Warning of Campus Crime and Security Issues
Phone: 240-895-4911
Website: Mary’s College of Maryland may issue a Timely Warning to the College community whenever a report of a Clery reportable crime or other serious crime is reported to the Office of Public Safety, a Campus Security Authority, or the local police if the incident presents a serious or ongoing threat. The Director of Public Safety or his/her designee is responsible for writing the content of the Timely Warning Notice and distributing it to the campus community. Approval for dissemination from other campus departments is not required.
Title IV Eligibility for Study Abroad
Phone: 240-895-4202
Website: IV as well as SMCM aid programs can be used for most study abroad experiences.
Transfer Credit Policies
Phone: 240-895-4336
Website: of Credit from Other Institutions
A student enrolled at St. Mary’s College may enroll in another institution and subsequently transfer the credits to St. Mary’s College. If a student does not secure written permission before taking courses at another institution, the College reserves the right to refuse to grant credit for such courses. The student should secure this prior written permission on a “Pre-Approval of Transfer Credit” form available online in the Portal, or at the service counter of Glendening Hall. The Office of the Registrar will indicate on the form the transfer equivalency at St. Mary’s College. The student is responsible for filing the written permission with the registrar. This policy includes courses taken during the summer, while on leave of absence, or while concurrently enrolled as a student at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.Transfer policies can be found in the College Catalog.
Vaccination Policies
Phone: 240-895-4289
Website: order to keep our campus as healthy as possible, we follow best practices and recommendations from the Maryland Department of Health and CDC regarding immunizations and screening for tuberculosis.
Voter Registration Forms
Voter registration information for the state of Maryland is linked to the Center for the Study of Democracy page.
Some of this information can be provided in hard copy upon request.