Appointments can be made the phone at (240) 895-4289.
For your first appointment, please allow some extra time to fill out intake paperwork.
Services offered by the Counseling Center are in high demand, and missed appointments result in lost opportunities for our staff to work with other students who might need help. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call to cancel it as soon as possible.
Counseling Services adheres to professional ethical standards and all state and federal laws regarding confidentiality.
- All information is confidential unless you sign a written release of information for a specific person or agency
- There are some rare circumstances in which we are legally required to break confidentiality, such as knowledge of intent to harm self or others. In these cases, Counseling Services either has reporting responsibilities or has to intervene in some way.
- For a more complete explanation, please read Counseling Service‘s confidentiality policy.
Cost & Eligibility
Our services are free to enrolled St. Mary’s College of Maryland students as part of their tuition.
All full-time registered SMCM students are eligible for individual and couples, psychiatric, and medication services. Partners of registered students are eligible for couples counseling only.
Students on leave of absence (LOA), those who have withdrawn or have been dismissed, and SMCM alumni are eligible for transitional counseling within one (1) month of their status change. Transitional counseling includes referral to other resources for care as necessary, and is limited to two (2) sessions maximum.
Summer session students have full access to counseling services. Students registered for the fall semester but not currently enrolled in summer classes may utilize counseling services as determined by need and availability of staff.
Consultation is provided for faculty and staff regarding student as well as personal issues.
During Business Hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm): Call our office at 240-895-4289.
After Business Hours: Contact your Resident Assistant, or call Public Safety at 240-895-4911. One of the student affairs on-call professionals will be contacted for you.