Seahawk Family Liaison
The Seahawk Family Liaison can be contacted at (240) 895-4388 or email .
This is a one stop shopping where you can notify the school about your student's needs or get answers to all of your questions. We will connect you to the person or resources to help your student be successful.
SMCM Parents & Family Guide
The SMCM Parents and Families Guide was designed to provide you with useful information. We hope that you will keep this information handy and refer to it often when you have questions about parenting a college student, and about College policies and procedures. If you are unable to find the answer to your question, we have included contact names and phone numbers for many of the offices and departments on campus, as well as a list of whom to contact if you have questions on specific areas not covered here. You will also find a list of Important Dates in the Guide.
Resources to Help Students
The staff in the Office of Student Success Services (OS3), the St. Mary's faculty members, and your students academic advisors want to help students be successful.
Wellness Center
The Wellness Center offers same day/next day urgent counseling sessions. Call 240-895-4289 to set up an appointment.
Walk-in hours are Mondays - Fridays, 1 - 3 PM. No appointment needed!
Students can also use the Protocall toll free helpline 24/7. (240) 895-4200.
We know that there are lots of terms and acronyms used on campus that may be new to you. To help our students and family members, we put together a Dictionary of Terms and Acronyms that explains important information relating to Academics, Admissions, Athletics, Business Office, Financial Aid, Registrar, Student Life, and Title IX. We hope this resource is useful to you.
OS3 does not "grant" excused absences. We will send a notification to a student's instructors to let them know that the student will be absent from class (assuming that the student or family member notifies us in a timely manner) and to ask the instructors to work with the student to get caught up on whatever was missed during the class(es). Unlike high school, there is no "excused absence" policy in college. As you may know, College policy states that students are allowed two absences for each course; after two absences, it is entirely within the instructor's purview whether or not to count the absence toward the student's grade based on the instructor's established attendance policy.
Ideas to help students find success.
- Meet instructors out of class. Most professor post their office/visiting hours in their syllabus. Students can ask what they can do to get back on track in the course, ask specific questions about content, or talk about career opportunities and more!
- Prepare for class and attend class (even if they've missed a few).
- Complete readings, make an outline combining their reading and class notes, talk in class (even if they ask only one question).
- Utilize course TA’s. If there isn't a TA, then meet with their instructor about specific content challenges, or email OS3 about getting a free tutor (
- Contact OS3 ( or 240-895-4388) to schedule an academic coaching session (for help with time management, study skills, procrastination, exam prep, motivation, etc.) with a professional staff member.
- Work with a Peer Academic Success Strategies (PASS) Specialist. These are students trained to help them with academic coaching (time management, note-taking, getting organized, creating an academic action plan, breaking up large assignments into chunks, etc.). Please email or call 240-895-4388 to schedule an appointment.
- Before they drop a course talk with their advisor or an OS3 staff member.
- Contact their advisor for additional advice and support
If they receive accommodations, they can contact the Office of Accessibility Services for assistance ( or 240-895-2250).
Videos from OS3 Family Presentations
- Are you living in My Basement? Webinar Recording (Passcode: +@dU4Q2$)
- Explaining the New FAFSA
- Helping Your Student Prepare for Summer & Next Year
- Helping Your Student Recover From a Challenging Semester
- How to Help Your Student Academically
- SMP vs Senior Capstone
- Summer Plans More than a Suntan
- Supporting Your Student During Finals
- The F Words, FAFSA, FERPA, Financial Aid
- What to Expect for Spring Semester
- What to Expect When You're Expecting...Your Student Home for Break
Advice Articles
- Making the Most of Office Hours
- General Fears of College Students
- Parenting a Perfectionist
- Moving Home After Graduation
- What to Do If You Don’t Have a Major
- Advice and Quality Time During Breaks
- Developing a Good Sleep Routine
- Helping Your Student with Mental Health Self-Care
- Communicating with the College: Why, How, and When?
- Questions Every Parent Should Ask Their First Year Student
- Parent & Family Newsletter: What Can You Do with a Liberal Arts Degree?