What research projects need to be approved by the IRB?
Research involving human subjects needs to be approved by the IRB. “Research” is defined as “a systematic investigation, including research development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.”
A “human subject” is defined as “a living individual about whom an investigator conducting research obtains information or biopspecimens through intervention or interaction with the individual, and uses, studies or analyzes the information or biospecimens; OR obtains, uses, studies, analyzes or generates identifiable private information or identifiable biospecimens.”
Revised federal regulations in effect as of 2018 indicate that the following activities are NOT deemed to be research under these regulations and therefore do NOT need to undergo IRB review: “Scholarly and journalistic activities (e.g., oral history, journalism, biography, literary criticism, legal research, and historical scholarship), including the collection and use of information, that focus directly on the specific individuals about whom the information is collected.”
If you are not sure if your research requires IRB review, please consult with the IRB by emailing a short description of your project (its purpose and your data collection procedures) to irb@smcm.edu.
Why have you told me that my project needs to be reviewed?
The St. Mary’s College Institutional Review Board formulated the following two guidelines for the review of research involving human subjects conducted at St. Mary’s College, or conducted by St. Mary’s College faculty or professional staff (February 7, 1986).
- All research involving human subjects must receive an ethics review by the IRB if the subjects are being recruited from outside the instructor’s classroom and the research project is not an in-class demonstration.
- An evaluation of the ethics involved in in-class research demonstrations and experiments remains entrusted with the individual instructor.
What is an expedited review?
How do I get my project reviewed by the IRB?
The eIRB form, instructions for completing the eIRB form, and templates for informed consent can all be found at https://www.smcm.edu/irb/forms/. The completed eIRB form should be emailed to irb@smcm.edu for review.
Where can I obtain the IRB form and instructions?
The IRB form, instructions for completing the form, and templates for informed consent can be found at https://www.smcm.edu/irb/forms/. The completed form should be emailed to irb@smcm.edu for review. Questions about completing the form can be sent to irb@smcm.edu, but most commonly asked questions are answered in the instructions document.
How do I submit an IRB proposal?
To submit an IRB proposal, complete the IRB form by editing the Microsoft Word file.
Important: Make sure to include any appendixes (e.g., consent form(s), debriefing statements, copies of surveys, list of interview questions, and other materials being presented to participants) at the end of the file, include a page break between each appendix and attach ONE file to an e-mail message and send it to irb@smcm.edu. Your IRB proposal is NOT complete if it does not contain your consent form(s) and other relevant information!
What kinds of ethical issues does the IRB consider?
The SMCM IRB reviews projects following federal guidelines for protecting human subjects (The Revised Common Rule, Code of Federal Regulations). The full guidelines we use for review can be found The full guidelines we use for review can be found here.
Criteria for IRB approval of research:
- risks to subjects are minimized;
- risks are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits;
- selection of subjects is equitable;
- informed consent is sought from each subject;
- informed consent is appropriately documented.
Additional criteria where appropriate:
- data collection is monitored to ensure subject safety;
- privacy and confidentiality of subjects is protected;
- additional safeguards are included for vulnerable populations
What is informed consent?
Informed consent refers to the voluntary choice of an individual to participate in research based on an accurate and complete understanding of its purposes, procedures, risks, benefits, alternatives, and any other factors that may affect a person’s decision to participate.Informed consent is typically gathered by having participants sign a hard copy consent form or indicate their consent in an online format. Participants under the age of 18 must have the consent of a parent or guardian and must also give their own assent to participate. Templates for SMCM consent forms are available at https://www.smcm.edu/irb/forms/ and their use is encouraged to make sure all required elements of consent are present in the consent form. Information about informed consent from the federal guidelines can be found at https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=91137a43527512a23d10a2d56603fdd2&mc=true&node=se45.1.46_1116&rgn=div8
Does the IRB need to review projects that have small revisions?
How long does it take the IRB to review a proposal?
What if some unforeseen risks emerge as the research is being conducted?
Any unforeseen risks or negative response to the research must be reported to the IRB immediately. The researcher should temporarily suspend data collection and promptly inform the chair of the IRB by sending an e-mail to irb@smcm.edu and directly to the current Chair.
What if I’m collaborating with a researcher at another institution?
Do I need IRB approval for research conducted in classes?
Class-driven projects that meet the definition of research and recruit participants beyond those enrolled in the course require IRB approval. If students are conducting research with similar projects that pose no known risk (e.g., all participants will view an image of an optical illusion and then answer three questions about what they saw), it may be prudent for the instructor to submit one IRB proposal describing the general protocol. The instructor can discuss the project with an IRB chair in advance to help prevent unnecessary delays in review.
If a class-based IRB proposal cannot be submitted by the instructor (e.g., because of the nature of the projects being very different from one another), individual project IRB submissions by students are recommended. We recommend that the instructor carefully review student IRB submissions to be sure they are complete and all ethical concerns are addressed before the student(s) submit them to the IRB. We recommend that class-driven project submissions (as well as student SMP submissions) be sent to the IRB as early as possible (at least one month but no later than two weeks before the planned data collection) to allow sufficient time for possible revisions.
What should I do if I have other questions about IRB procedures?
Send an email to irb@smcm.edu and we will respond to your questions as quickly as possible! If you have questions about completing the IRB submission form, be sure to review the Instructions document on the Forms page for further information about how to complete the forms.