In order to provide a safe and a healthy environment for members of the campus community to study, work and live, to comply with local animal ordinances, and to ensure public safety, it is the policy of the College to restrict animals from all campus buildings. One of the areas of concern for the College is the continuing presence of unauthorized pets on campus. Current College policy states that pets and other animals are not permitted in any College building because of health and safety concerns for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Animals as pets are not permitted in any campus building, including residence halls, classrooms, and public spaces. Animals in buildings may present health problems very different from those encountered in the home. The influence of these animals on the comfort and health of others should be a matter of concern to all in the campus community, and should be considered above the personal satisfaction of keeping a pet. Many persons are deathly afraid of pet animals, especially dogs, and when they enter a residence hall, office, lab or classroom it should be their right not to have to encounter a dog or other pet in the foyer, lounge areas, or a corridor. Abandonment of pets, especially cats, continues to be a problem. This usually occurs just before long vacations or at the end of a semester.
Exemptions are granted for service animals which assist people with disabilities, are used in education or research projects, or for full-time, live-on professional staff who have been given written permission by the Executive Director of Student Life. Exemptions may be granted for a comfort/therapy animal with appropriate documentation (see Service Animals Policy for more information). Resident students are permitted to have non-meat-eating fish and non-venomous reptiles in closed aquariums in their assigned room. Animals that are temporarily on the grounds must be licensed and under the control of the owner (leashed) at all times. Pets should not be left in cars (due to the potential of problems from heat or cold), and are not permitted to be “tied up” outside of buildings. Pets found tied up or running loose on campus may be taken by Animal Control. Faculty, students, and staff must also ensure that their visitors abide by the College’s pet policy. It has become necessary to strictly enforce this policy for all students, faculty, and staff in order to be in compliance with state laws and regulations, and the College’s policy.
Athletic Events: St. Mary’s College of Maryland is concerned for the health, well-being, and comfort of all fans attending NCAA athletic events as well as all student athletes, coaches, and officials participating in NCAA athletic events. Pets and other animals are prohibited at St. Mary’s College of Maryland athletic events. Any person found with an animal or pet at a St. Mary’s College of Maryland NCAA athletic event will be asked to leave the premises. This excludes service animals, which are allowed per College policy, with proper documentation.
Minimum Expected Sanctions:
Commuting Students: Students may not bring their pets to campus while attending classes, except as noted above. Pet owners may face a $250 cleaning/extermination charge, community service hours, and/or education project. Repeat offenders face disciplinary probation and residence hall facility restriction or suspension.
Resident Students: The owner of the pet faces a $250 cleaning/extermination charge, community service hours, and/or education project. Repeat offenders will face loss of housing, disciplinary probation, and/or suspension. Residents who permit unauthorized pets in their room, suite, townhouse, or apartment face community service hours after their first offense and repeat offenders face disciplinary probation.
Your cooperation in following this policy is appreciated and will help to create better working conditions for our employees and reduce concerns about personal safety and problems and inconveniences associated with allergies, fleas, odors, and damages.