This is designed for Anthropology majors/minors or MUST minors.
Currently housed in the Kent Hall archaeology storage facility are several hundred thousand artifacts on indefinite loan from The Gambia. The guidelines for the permits issued by the Gambian National Center for Arts and Culture (NCAC) stipulate that the collections must be made open to other researchers after five years. Therefore, artifacts recovered between 2006 and 2010 are now open. In order to facilitate this, a holding report is currently being prepared for the NCAC that details the state of the collections, on-going cataloging, and the pending transfer of the collections to new facilities in Anne Arundel Hall.
Student interns would assist in the following tasks:
- Develop a finding aid for all open collections that will be made accessible to outside researchers.
- Curate and rehouse any artifacts not meeting Maryland collections standards.
- Contribute to the holding report that will be sent to the NCAC and used to document the move of the collections to Anne Arundel.
- Digitize all field forms and notes.
Students interested in the position should have some experience working with archaeological or other museum collections. While funding is still pending, MUST minors are eligible for Sullivan Scholar grants (applications are due April 10) that provide funding for unpaid internships. The position is for a minimum of 4 weeks at 40 hours a week (or four credit hours).
Interested students should contact Dr. Gijanto (