Current PAT members pose at the 2018 Induction Ceremony. From left to right: Joseph Turner, Kathryn Herberger, Andrew Messick, Samantha Wright, Megan Root, Abigail Rose, Angela Cruz, Caitlin Schoen, Christopher Drexel, and Vincent Turner, and Jacob Bartholow. Not Pictured: Thomas Miller
Phi Alpha Theta is a national honor society in History. It was organized at the University of Arkansas in 1921, and since then it has grown to more than 750 chapters. The membership of Phi Alpha Theta is composed of students and faculty who have been elected to membership on the basis of excellence in the study and writing of History.
Phi Alpha Theta is a professional society that promotes the study of History through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication, and the exchange of learning among historians in a variety of ways. It seeks to bring students and faculty together both intellectually and socially for mutual understanding and encouragement in their common interest in the study of History.
St. Mary’s chapter, Alpha Iota Kappa, funds a scholarship for the education of Gambian students in The Gambia.
Phi Alpha Theta Further Information