Contact Info
Carolyn Curry
Vice President for Institutional Advancement and Executive Director of the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Foundation, Inc.
Calvert Hall
(240) 895-4282
Since June 2015, Carolyn Curry has been the vice president for Institutional Advancement (IA) at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and the executive director of the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Foundation, Inc. In addition to overseeing and increasing the College’s fundraising capacity, she is responsible for the College’s integrated marketing, events and conferences, and alumni relations units.
Under her tenure, the College has received the largest major gifts in its history, steadily increased annual and major gift giving to their highest levels, and launched a campaign to raise funds for the College’s Learning Through Experiential and Applied Learning (LEAD) initiative. She oversaw the rebranding of the College to The National Public Honors College and has increased the College’s visibility as enrollment, philanthropic, alumni engagement, and community and partnership metrics attest. In addition to assisting Admission reach it goals through targeted marketing efforts, IA’s integrated marketing team has earned third party validation via an unprecedented 19 top tier national marketing awards since 2020.
Prior to her position at the College, Ms. Curry was the vice president for Institutional Advancement, CEO of the DSU Foundation, Inc.—an entity she created—and chief of staff at Delaware State University. While there, she also led the University’s rebranding and oversaw the units of and increased metrics in enrollment management, integrated marketing, events, alumni relations and fundraising. Ms. Curry also served as vice president for Institutional Advancement at West Virginia University where she led nationally award-winning fundraising, enrollment, marketing and branding campaigns and initiatives. She served as the communications director for Governor Gaston Caperton of West Virginia, public affairs director for a Washington, DC nonprofit, and assisted on an HBO award-winning short film documentary.
Ms. Curry received her undergraduate degree in journalism and English at West Virginia University and her master’s degree in public affairs at Shippensburg University.
Divisional Leadership Team
Sandy Abell
Executive Assistant
Karen Raley
Assistant Vice President of Development
Dave Sushinsky
Assistant Vice President of Alumni Relations
Chuck Steenburgh
Assistant Vice President of Integrated Marketing & Communications
Lee Capristo
Director of Writing and Content
Jeannette Modic
Director of Web Services
Kathy Grimes
Interim Executive Director, Events & Conferences
Peggy Aud
Director of Events and Conferences
Jackie Wright
Director of Foundation Finance and Administration