The draft 2012 – 2027 Facilities Master Plan defines facility needs and campus improvements needed to support its mission as a public liberal arts college. The plan provides specific recommendations intended to guide future facility projects over the next ten to fifteen years. The final Facilities Master Plan will be submitted to the College Board of Trustees for consideration at its meeting in May 2013.
Beginning in fall 2011, the plan has evolved through a consultative process guided by the Facilities Master Plan Task Force and informed through feedback from a variety of standing committees (Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and Student Government Association) and open campus forums.
Phase I: Needs Analysis (Fall 2011 to Fall 2012)
During this phase, the campus community defined the key facilities issues affecting academic programs, student life, and other co-curricular programs. A three-day workshop was held in March 2012 which included 28 sessions with academic departments, the master plan task force, and open forums. Follow-up meetings were held with academic departments in fall 2012 to refine facility requirements. Specific space needs were identified, qualitative space issues were assessed, and the campus setting and landscape were reviewed.
Phase II: Alternatives (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013)
Alternative development strategies were identified to address the facility needs identified in Phase I. Alternatives included specific capital projects, renewal strategies, and land-use options. The planning team held 16 workshops in February 2013 to review and discuss the alternative development plans.
Phase III: Final Recommendations (Spring 2013)
Feedback from the review of alternative strategies in Phase II provided the basis for the development of the preferred alternative. The recommendations were reviewed in late March with the Master Plan Task Force and presented at an open campus workshop.