Sophie Treadwell’s 1928 expressionist masterpiece, MACHINAL, is based on the highly publicized trial of Ruth Snyder, who was accused of conspiring with a lover to murder her husband. It follows the central character, an “ordinary young woman,” through nine episodes as she tries to navigate women’s limited options in a mechanized, dehumanizing world obsessed with efficiency, productivity, and profit. Treadwell’s play is a parable about what happens when complicated and messy human lives are forced into small and unchangeable boxes. Directed by TFMS faculty member Amy Steiger, the TFMS production re-imagines the play as the dream of an SMCM student, and asks the question, “Has anything changed between then and now?”
To reserve tickets, contact the Theater Box Office at 240-895-4243 (ext. 4243), or email
Ticket prices: $4 for students, faculty, SMCM staff, senior citizens, and Arts Alliance members; $6 general admission.
Patrons must pick up their reserved tickets at the Box Office window by 7:50 p.m. for evening performances and by 1:50 p.m. for matinée performances; otherwise, unclaimed tickets will be released for sale.