Professor Beth Charlebois presented her paper “With Rhyme and Reason: Hip Hop Hamlet in Prison” at the Comparative Drama Conference in Baltimore this past March. The essay-length version of this paper will appear in the spring 2016 issue of Text and Presentation.
In April, Professor Jeff Coleman attended the joint meeting of the Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association in New Orleans, where he presented his paper, “An ‘Uptown’ State of Mind: Prince and the Quest for Social Liberation.” This paper is part of a longer essay, “Singing is Swinging: Black Music in the Hour of Chaos.” Professor Coleman’s essay will appear in The Black Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century, forthcoming in 2017.
In May, Professor Christine Wooley participated in the Melville Society’s panel “Melville’s Money,” at the annual meeting of the American Literature Association. Her paper, “Joint Stock Sympathy” is part of an essay in progress on Melville’s financial metaphors in Moby-Dick.