The internship allows undergraduate students a hands-on experience in public policy with the hope that they will be inspired to choose public service as a calling. A $1000 stipend is included and assistance towards placement within a local, state or federal agency related to the recipient’s field of interest. Previous Placements & Duties:
- The Maryland Department of Health
- The Maryland Department of the Environment
- The Department of Education
- Working with a St. Mary’s County Judge on the experimental Teen Drug Court
- Attending Congressional committee meetings
- Board of Education year-end reviews
- Revitalizing inner-city schools with the Believe in Our Schools program
- Assisting in the removal of invasive plants species with the Maryland Department of the Environment
- Must be a current St. Mary’s student
- St. Mary’s sophomore or junior; 3.3 GPA or higher
- Wish to pursue a career in government service
- Willingness to work for at least six weeks during the summer
- Ability to work in at least one of these locations: St. Mary’s County, Annapolis, Baltimore, or Washington, D.C.
Application Process:
The following items are needed to complete an application:
- A current resume with a cover letter discussing the importance of the award for your professional development and how you plan to use it;
- The names of two people who would recommend you for the award. It is preferable, but not mandatory, that they be academic references;
- A current writing sample from coursework (3-5 pages);
- A short essay (1000 words or less) on the following topic:
“Write a memo to Governor Hogan about any problem facing young people today. Describe the problem and how you would go about trying to find a solution”
Interested candidates should submit a completed application to Ms. Adrienne Dozier (Kent Hall, Room 103) by the close of business on Monday, March 23, 2015. You may submit the application electronically to her at Oral interviews may be required following application submission. (Please note: you may need access to your own vehicle to travel to an internship opportunity.)
Highlighted Recipients:
2010: Lara Southgate (’11)
2009: Alex Borman (’10) and Sara Metz (’10)
2008: Olivia Schnitzer and Elizabeth Benge