Declaring a Major
When students declare a major in TFMS, by the spring semester of their sophomore year, they must select a member of this department as their adviser. (Note: If a student has declared a double major and has selected a faculty advisor from his/her other major field of study, he/she need not select an adviser from TFMS, although we strongly recommend that the student consult a faculty member in TFMS about his/her course of study within the department.) Review the requirements for the major in theater studies. Review the requirements for the major in film and media studies. For a complete list of course offerings in TFMS and their descriptions, visit the College Catalog.
Declaring a Minor
When students declare a minor in theater studies, in film and media studies, or in dance/movement no later than the fall semester of their senior year, they should inform the department chair of their intent to do so. Faculty in TFMS encourage students interested in minoring in these areas to declare the minor before their senior year. Review the requirements for the minors in theater studies, in film and media studies, and in dance/movement.
Independent Study
Any second-, third-, or fourth-year student may elect to undertake an Independent Study in theater studies, film and media studies, or dance/movement–a creative or research project designed by the student and supervised by a faculty member in TFMS. The specific nature of the project, the schedule for accomplishment, and the means of evaluation must be formalized prior to registration, receive approval from a faculty adviser in TFMS, and follow all procedures and regulations of the “learning contract,” as described in the College catalog. Approval of the student’s academic adviser and of a member of TFMS is required. Note: Students must submit a formal proposal for an Independent Study before meeting with their prospective faculty adviser from TFMS. All rules, regulations, and procedures for use of department shop facilities and of the MH Pro-Lab and Learning Lab and of the TFMS Editing Room apply to students undertaking independent studies.
Please note: College policy prohibits offering independent studies in place of regularly offered courses.
Student-Faculty Conference
During spring semester of their junior year, each major will be scheduled to meet informally with the full department faculty in order to discuss the range, strengths, and weaknesses of their current achievements in departmental curricula. Conferences will address each student’s record and progress of work in TFMS classes, shops, rehearsals, and performances. The faculty will address the quality of each student’s accomplishments in the major, discuss the student’s future plans, and advise students about possible routes toward reaching their goals.
Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards routinely used by TFMS for posting general announcements, audition notices, rehearsal schedules, crew calls, dance announcements, employment opportunities, graduate school brochures, etc. are located in the following areas in Montgomery Hall: outside the Box Office, inside rm. 172 (the Green Room), outside the dance studio (rm. 107), and on the scene shop door (rm. 166). Announcements for White Room activities are posted on its own bulletin board outside the Box Office. Students should check these bulletin boards daily for information.