On April 2, 2016, the Psyched for Life Team consisting of Angie Draheim (captain), Aileen Bailey, Anne Marie Brady, Nathan Foster, James Mantell, Jenn Marsh, Scott Mirabile, Jennifer Tickle, Libby Williams, Goodpaster Hall’s office associate, Kathy Lewin, and numerous family members and friends participated in the 10-hour, 7th Annual SMCM American Cancer Society Relay for Life event. Overall, the team helped to raise general and brain cancer awareness as well as $4,840.28 for ACS research & patient support programs. The entire Relay event raised nearly $20,000.
As part of their pre-event and on-site fundraising, the team raffled off two handmade fleece tie blankets (made and donated by team member Eleanor Numera, Angie’s grandmother). One was won by Cindy Dale, the fiscal associate for Athletics and Recreation. At the event, the team also raffled off a set of drinking glasses upcycled from wine bottles by Scott Mirabile; they were won by Patrick Hunt in the Business Office. Kathy Lewin, James Mantell, and Jenn Marsh stayed all night (well, until it was over at 3am) for the fight!