Please inform your students of you arrival time before you arrive on campus! The Office of Residence Life cannot provide parents/guests with room information when they arrive. We encourage families to remind their students to inform all roommates/housemates/suitemates of guest arrival plans before each visit. Students with unlimited meal plans have guest passes for dining in the Great Room which can be used throughout the semester.
When guests come to visit during the academic year, they should first go to the Office of Public Safety, located on Rte. 5, to obtain a “Visitor’s Parking Permit.” This permit will allow the visitor to park in any designated visitor parking area on campus for up to three days.
Visitor Parking Areas
- LOT D: Trinity Episcopal Church. Row parking in front of hedgerow, and also the row facing church. Note posted times
- LOT E: Kent Hall and Alumni Lodge. North side of Kent Hall (2 posted spaces)
- LOT H: Margaret Brent. Front of building
- LOT I: White House. Side of building
- LOT J: Turner Sailing Center. Marked parking area only.
- LOT K: Campus Center. Front Parking Lot and driveway shoulders
- LOT L: Baltimore Hal. Driveway from Campus Center to and including Baltimore Hall
- LOT N: Cobb House. Parking in driveway and West Fisher Road to MD Rte. 5
- LOT V: Glendening Hall. Parking behind Glendening.
- LOT Y: Tennis Court. Parking area adjacent to tennis courts
- LOT Z: West Field, near East Fisher Road